Input YAML

The input YAML file is pretty simple, but here's an explanation of each section individually.

The requires section

The requires section declares the minimum required Rusty-CI version to build this CI.

requires: x.x.x

The master section

The master section contains the data that controls the master, the bot that controls the workers.

# This section holds data specific to the master of the workers
  # The title subsection of the master holds the title of your web gui
  title: "Rusty-CI"
  title-url: ""

  # This is the ip of the web-gui
  webserver-ip: localhost

  # This is the port of the web-gui
  webserver-port: 8010

  # The address of your repository
  repo: ""

  # The number of seconds to wait before checking for updates on your repository
  # Two minutes is a good poll interval
  poll-interval: 120

The merge-request-handler section

The merge-request-handler section holds information that determines how buildbot will handle merge and pull requests on your repository.

Right now, this is only supported for

# This section holds data specific to the handler that will look for
# pull requests / merge requests on your repository
  # This is basically the website you're using for version control
  # Right now, github and gitlab are the only supported sites
  # If you're using an unsupported version control system, no worries,
  # rusty-ci just wont run on pull requests.
  version-control-system: github
  # The username of the owner of the repository
  owner: adam-mcdaniel

  # The name of the repository
  repo-name: rusty-ci

  # You dont want to run arbitrary code on your machine when anyone
  # makes a pull request. Rusty-CI will not test anyone's pull request
  # if their username is not in this list.
  # Note that this has no effect on GitLab merge request building!
  # Rusty-CI will only build merge requests from a branch
  # thats already inside the repository.
    - adam-mcdaniel

The workers section

The workers section lists each worker and the information required to construct them and connect them to the master bot.

# This section holds each worker
# You can have as many workers as youd like, just be sure to fill out
# each of their fields out properly.
  # The name of this worker is `test-worker`
    # The ip of the master
    master-ip: localhost
    # The worker's files will be installed in this directory.
    # This can also be an absolute path
    working-dir: 'test-worker'

The schedulers section

This section lists each scheduler. Each scheduler has a regular expression that matches a branch to track, and a list of regular expressions that match file changes. A scheduler can also depend on another scheduler using the depends section INSTEAD of the triggers, branch, and password sections.

Read the comments in the template YAML for more information.

# This section holds each scheduler.
# Like the workers section, you may have as many schedulers as youd like.
  # Create a scheduler named `ci-change`
  # This scheduler will trigger the `rusty-ci-test` builder whenever it
  # detects a change in a yaml file for any branch.
    # This scheduler triggers the `rusty-ci-test` builder.
    # You can put as many builders as youd like here, and the scheduler will start them all.
      - rusty-ci-test

    # This will make the current scheduler run if the "your-scheduler-name-here"
    # has run successfully. You can only put one scheduler name in this section.
    # depends: "your-scheduler-name-here"
    # Using the depends section will ignore the `branch`, `triggers`, and `password` sections

    # This is a regular expression that matches a branch.
    # If there is a change in a branch whos name matches this regex,
    # it will be checked by the following triggers section.
    branch: ".*"
    # If a change has occurred in a branch that matches the regex in the branch section,
    # Then the files that were changed are matched against the regular expressions in the
    # triggers section. You can have any number of regular expressions in the triggers section.
    # If any one of them matches the name of a file that was changed in a matched branch,
    # then the builders in this scheduler's `builders` section are executed.
      - '.*\.yaml'
      - '.*\.sh'
      - ".*Makefile"
    # The password a whitelisted user can comment on a merge / pull request
    # to mark it for testing; that is if the pull request was made by a non-whitelisted
    # user. If the pull request was made by a whitelisted user, it is automatically run.
    password: "ok to test"

The builders section

The builders describe the tasks given to workers.

# These are the builders that are executed by the schedulers
# Each has its own specific task that is delegated to one or more workers
# When a builder is run, its script is run on the command line.
# You can have as many builders as youd like as well.
  # The name of the builder is `rusty-ci-test`
    # This is the shell script that the workers will run when this builder is executed
    # You can have as many instructions as youd like
    # Mind you, you cannot use the |, >, <, >>, <<, etc. operators. Sadly, buildbot
    # passes each item separated by whitespace as another parameter to function.
      - echo Hello world!
      - echo Im an instruction in a script!
    # These are the workers to delegate this build job to
      - test-worker
    # The repo to refresh from before running
    repo: ""