Help Subcommand

Rusty-CI has several subcommands, the first of which is the help subcommand. To run the help subcommand, run rusty-ci help or alternatively rusty-ci. If you dont provide any arguments to rusty-ci, it will print the help message by default.

rusty_ci x.x.x
Adam McDaniel <>
A continuous integration tool written in Rust

    rusty-ci [SUBCOMMAND]

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    build      Build rusty-ci from YAML file(s)
    help       Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    install    Install buildbot
    rebuild    Build and restart rusty-ci from input YAML file(s)
    setup      Output a template YAML files for you to change to customize
    start      Launch rusty-ci from an input YAML file
    stop       Stop rusty-ci

To start a project, run the `setup` subcommand.
Be sure to follow the instructions after each subcommand very carefully!

This tells you more about the program, but it doesn't go into any depth. Let me explain each subcommand individually.