
Install Python3

You're gonna need python3 to use Rusty-CI.

To install on a *nix system, run the following commands.

apt update -y && apt upgrade -y
apt install -y build-essential python3-dev python3-pip python3-venv

You will need to be able to use python3 -m pip and python3 -m venv.

Install Rust

To install Rusty-CI, you must install Rust. You if you're on a Unix like platform, can do so by running this shell command.

curl -sSf | sh

If you're on Windows, go to the rust website. You'll need to download rust-init.exe and follow its instructions.

Install Rusty-CI from Package Registry (recommended)

Now that you have Rust, you should be able to install Rusty-CI by running the following command.

cargo install -f rusty-ci

This will automatically add Rusty-CI to your path, so we should be all done!

Build from source (not recommended)

If you don't want to install Rusty-CI from the package registry, you can always build Rusty-CI from source. Here's how you would do so.

git clone

cd rusty-ci
# Cargo will output the executable to ./target/release/rusty-ci
cargo install -f --path .

This will automatically add Rusty-CI to your path, so we should be all done!

Problems Installing?

If you run into some problems installing Rusty-CI, or if Rust can't find cc, you need to upgrade some of the packages on your system.

Here's the commands I run to solve these errors.

apt update -y && apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install build-essential

After running these commands, try running cargo install rusty-ci again.

Can't find Cargo or Rusty-CI?

Try running the following to add Cargo and your installed crates to your environment's path.

source $HOME/.cargo/env # Add `cargo` to your path

Still having problems?

If you're still having some serious problems, post an issue on the repository.