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Install The Sage Programming Language

·163 words·1 min
Pre-installation: You’ll the Rust programming language to build the compiler from source. If you’re on Windows, then you’ll need to download and install the MSVC toolchain prior to building everything.

Once you’ve installed Rust, and you can use the cargo package manager, run the following to install Sage.

Install With Cargo

$ cargo install --git

Clone And Build

You can also download the compiler from GitHub manually and build it.

$ git clone
$ cd sage
$ # Just build the compiler from source, don't install it:
$ cargo build --release # The `sage` exe will be in `target/release`
$ # Install it from this github clone:
$ cargo install -f --path .


Once you’ve installed everything, you can get started with Sage by running the sage command! Use sage -h to see some basic help on the CLI!

What next? Check out the documentation, and take a look at the compiler playground for some example programs!