Install With Cargo#

To install the dunesh binary on your machine with cargo, run the following command:

$ cargo install --git


Create A Dune Prelude#

Dune uses a .dune-prelude file in the $HOME directory to setup the environment for your shell. This file is sourced by Dune every time it starts. You can use this file to set environment variables, define functions, or run any other shell commands you want to run every time you start a new shell session!

The GitHub repository contains an example .dune-prelude file that calls a weather API to get the current climate in your area when it starts.

It’s also recommended to create a .dune-secrets file that your .dune-prelude can include. This file can contain your API keys and other secrets, while still allowing you to distribute your main config in the .dune-prelude file.

Add To Shell Startup Script#

Dune doesn’t function as a login shell, so it should mainly be used whenever you open a new terminal window or tab. If you want to use Dune in a script, you can call it directly with dunesh.

Once you have dunesh on your system, add it to the non-login startup script for whatever shell your OS provides. For example, if you use bash, add the following line to your ~/.bashrc file:

# At the end, start dune.